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The number one shop for gold bearing paydirt and gold nuggets.

Lynch Mining Gold Paydirt Videos & Reviews

Gold panning paydirt Lynch mining
This is lynch mining's gizmos supremo gold+gems 1 pound of paydirt. This bag sold for $59.50 (sale) original price $70.00 plus $9.60 shipping. I personally love this paydirt. I know no two bags are alike. You might get different results better or worst but you will have fun.
Got another bag of paydirt here. This dirt was so fun to pan! Then the gold in the pan....woah! Will purchase again. Enjoy the video! --------------------My Links-------------------- Twitch- Twitter- Patreon- Subscribe-
Black Label Gold Paydirt - Video Review by Live Your Wyoming Adventure visit

Reserve XL PayDirt Jar Video Review By Wayne Schmidt

BlackLabel Paydirt Clean Up Video Review


September 22, 2016

Review by:

Ok I know I am a day late, but good things come to those that wait, lol. I was supposed to post this review yesterday but it was my birthday and didn’t feel like playing with youtube. So spent the day panning some paydirt and working in my shed. I am going to try and get my Miller Table going again so I can review it. Then I plan on rebuilding it so it works the way I want it to work. I also still am going to try and get two more reviews done this month and then next month will have 3 reviews from another seller.

Well on to the review and remember to subscribe to my YouTube channel HERE so as to not miss any of my reviews.

The Review:

A new champ has RISEN! Normally I would be ecstatic that I had a new ROI champion to add to my blog, but I am so bummed out that this is my last bag of LynchMining’s Paydirt. I am so so impressed with LynchMining’s paydirt I am almost at a loss for words. Even though I always talk about the ROI it is not why I am so impressed with LynchMining. All of the bags had great gold, but they also were both challenging and had very clean paydirt. Also, every bag had gold of different sizes so some of the gold came easy and some you had to really work for. I can honestly say I would buy any one of LynchMining’s paydirt again and I plan on it as soon as I can.


The paydirt in this batch of paydirt was mostly in the under 30 mesh range, with about 90% of it being black sands. Whats amazing is how much chunky gold I found in a black sands bag (I am not complaining). Almost all of the black sands were magnetic as has been the norm for LynchMining’s paydirt. While all of the LynchMining paydirt was clean, this was even cleaner since it was mostly black sands.

As usual, most of the gold in this bag was on the larger size, it was actually a lot larger. With one nugget weighing in at 0.70 grams. I didn’t weigh in all of the nuggets but it was obvious most of the gold in this bag was over 10 mesh, with the majority of the rest in the under 10, over 30 mesh area. I did find a small amount of gold in the under 30 mesh as well. It was a really impressive showing for the LynchMining’s Black Label Reserve Paydirt!


One thing I have to make sure I mention is that I actually paid less than the websites prices because I bought them when they were on sale for Labor Day. I didn’t calculate my ROIs with the sale price because not everyone will buy it on sale. So just imagine how good my ROI’s would have been with the sale price.

The LynchMining Black Label Reserve paydirt ended with a Perfect Score!  (Higher the stars the more difficult the paydirt). The ROI ended at 5 stars for the 3rd time with a bag of LynchMining’s paydirt which is unbelievable (1/2 star per 10% ROI).

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Reserve Paydirt Clean Up Video Review


September 16, 2016

Review by:

Well it is mid September which means it is now half way through Goldpalooza. The good news is I still have a ton of paydirt to review for the rest of this month as well as some paydirt for October as well. I also am going to be adding a lot of tutorial or info videos over the next few months. I probably won’t give them a blog post but they will get added to the side menu or I will make a page just for them. This will be just to answer common questions I get about what pans I use, what equipment I use, etc etc. Plus I want to post some videos about how to pan, or I should say how I pan, since everyone has their own style.

Well on to the review and remember to subscribe to my YouTube channel HERE so as to not miss any of my reviews.

The Review:


Sadly this is my 2nd to last bag of Lynchmining paydirt I have to review. I can honestly say I am already thinking about ordering more and I have a box full of paydirt to review. This stuff is just awesome! Again as it was for the Gizmos paydirt it is

super clean until you get to the super fine stuff. So it is easy to pan in regards to water cloudiness. This time though a lot more of the actual paydirt was in the below 30 mesh category which made it a little more challenging then the Gizmos. The reserve paydirt from lynchmining does have 1 gram of gold added but yet again I hit over 100% on the ROI with a total of 1.54 grams.

The gold was again on the larger size again, with a lot in the over 10 mesh this time. While most if it came from the under 20 over 30 mesh size. I did find a small amount in the under 30 mesh and considering most of the paydirt was under 30 mesh it was much harder this time to recover all of the gold out of this bag of LynchMining’s paydirt. What did surprise me was how much even the larger sized paydirt floated, so I ended up having to use a lot of gogetterjuice. The one good thing was yet again most of the black sands were magnetized  so it made up for the floating gold.

The LynchMining Reserve paydirt ended with almost a perfect score, only getting dinged 1 star for panning difficulty.  (Higher the stars the more difficult the paydirt). The ROI ended at 5 stars for the 2nd time with a bag of LynchMining’s paydirt which is unbelievable (1/2 star per 10% ROI).

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Gizmo's Paydirt Supremo Clean Up Video Review

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Gizmo's PayDirt Supremo Video Review  5 STARS.png

September 11, 2016

Review by:

And GOLDPALOOZA continues! Ok, I know this is probably going to be a very late post as youtube is giving me fits. I’ve been trying to upload my videos for 3 hours now and right when they close to finishing something goes wrong, an error or timeout, ugh. So that is why this post is coming out so late as is the youtube video.

The good news is I still have a ton of paydirt to review this month. Will have two more from LynchMining on the 15th and 20th and then an ebay sellers review on the 25th. On the 30th I am going to be reviewing another piece of mining equipment but not sure what yet. But the next day on the 1st I will start my reviews all over again, but only 3 in October.

Also if you haven’t noticed I have updated the ROI list on the left. I have removed any sites which are closed now. I have decided to leave up sites or reviews which might no longer be sold because it still shows what the seller has sold in the past.

Well on to the review and remember to subscribe to my YouTube channel HERE so as to not miss any of my reviews.

The Review:

Well, today again is all about Gizmo! This time, it’s LynchMining’s Gizmo’s Supremo paydirt, and boy was it really Supremo with a final gold count of 1.6 grams!  While this paydirt does have 1 gram of gold added, it means the paydirt had 0.6 grams which still is about a 45% ROI which is great when you know another gram will be added.  Again the paydirt was super clean until you got to the really super fine dirt (under 40 mesh). The paydirt was compromised of equal parts over 30 and under 30 mesh dirt.

The Gold was again mostly in the bigger size with far more in the over 20 mesh then below 20 mesh. In fact, I would consider the Supremo a supersized regular Gizmo bag. Most of the gold came in the under 10, over 20 mesh size, while the regular Gizmos most was in the under 20, over 30 size. So all of the gold was a little bigger and that is one thing nobody will complain about. This makes the Gizmos paydirt an obvious choice for beginners or anyone who just wants a FUN bag of paydirt. I was super impressed with LynchMining and really can’t wait to open up the Reserve and the Black Label reserve. I am even trying to convince the wife to let me order some of the LynchMining Unsearched paydirt.
Gizmo’s Pay Dirt ended with mostly high stars, I only gave them 3 stars for panning difficulty but that’s not always a bad thing (Higher the stars more difficult). The ROI ended at 5 stars which makes me a true believer of LynchMining (1/2 star per 10% ROI).

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Gizmo's Paydirt Clean Up Video Review

A review of Gizmo's Pay Dirt For more Info and final gold count visit my blog at:

September 5, 2016 

Review by: 

GOLDPALOOZA begins! Well I am so excited for this month and all of the paydirt I am going to not only review but run my pans through. My wife really hooked me up with allowing me to spend so much money this month on paydirt so everyone please give a big thanks to the wife, lol. I told her she opened a can of worms and I will expect September to always be my feast of paydirt month. Now for this month expect 3 more reviews on as well as some other reviews from other sellers.

The Review:


Ok with the start of Goldpalooza I started with LynchMinings Gizmo’s paydirt and am I happy I did. This is lower priced intro bag LynchMining offers but it is not shy on gold. Most of the paydirt is under 20 mesh as was 99% of all the gold I recovered. In fact most of the gold I recovered was on the larger side, closer to 20 mesh then 30. This is great for beginners who don’t want to try and get all of the super fine gold that can take forever to pan. While Gizmo;s Paydirt did have some superfine gold most was larger almost flaky.

Overall I was really happy with everything with this paydirt from LynchMining. The ROI was astonishing for the lowest priced bag of paydirt LynchMining has to offer.

Two final notes! One I took the pic on the weight too quickly before scale had time to adjust. The actual gold weight was 0.49 grams not the 0.47 grams in pic. Also of note I only paid $29 for this bag of paydirt so my actual ROI was much higher then listed below, my ROI was 72.31. I put the ROI below because most buyers might not get the sale price and the regular price is $32.50.

Gizmo’s Pay Dirt ended with mostly high stars, I only gave them 3 stars for panning difficulty but that’s not always a bad thing (Higher the stars more difficult). The ROI ended at 3 stars like his other bag which again is great for a bag of paydirt that only cost $17.95 (1/2 star per 10% ROI).

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