PayDirt Vending Machines
For Immediate Release: April 4, 2017 | Contact:
Phoenix, Arizona – Lynch Mining, an Arizona-based, small scale gold mining company that is presently the fastest growing and most reputable gold bearing paydirt supplier in the world today, this week officially made available their one-of-a-kind paydirt vending machines, set the revolutionize how individuals get their hands on quality paydirt.
Gold paydirt, a special type of dirt that contains real miners gold flakes and nuggets strewn about the mixture, is a sealed package that is provided to consumers looking to sift through the mixture with equipment and collect the gold left over. Passionate about revolutionizing the gold industry as we know it today, Lynch Mining wants to make gold paydirt more readily accessible for those who seek it.
“We are selling these vending machines to Gold Shops, Prospecting & Mining Shops, Casinos, and any other type of entity that wants to provide store visitors with a product they’re going to love,” said Rhett Lynch, Founder and Owner of Lynch Mining. “Gold paydirt is a fun, interactive way to sift through a byproduct from the earth and walk away with a highly valuable commodity. This vending machine is the first of its kind, and we’re proud to be the inventors.”
Lynch Mining is preparing to take their paydirt vending machine to gold and treasure shows around the United States this coming year. They are going to offer interested consumers a purchase or lease option for businesses to obtain one of the machines at their shops. Once established, customers will be able to insert money and walk away with their own paydirt package.
To ensure the vending machines stay stocked and ready for customers, Lynch Mining will also be sending participating businesses paydirt to restock the machines with when need be. As an award-winning distributor of paydirt themselves, Lynch Mining is regarded as a high quality paydirt producer for those looking to get the most bang for their buck.
“Paydirt is an understated commodity that offers great financial value for those who take the time to sift through the product and get to gold weight,” said Lynch. “We’ve been proudly collecting and producing this product for years, which is why we are thrilled to be reaching even more individuals through our uniquely designed vending machines.”
Lynch Mining offers a variety of paydirt products, include Black Label Paydirt, Gizmo’s Paydirt Supremo, ReservePaydirt Arizona, Gizmo’s Original Paydirt, Lynch Mining Original Paydirt, ReservePaydirt XL, Reserve Paydirt Gallons, Garrett Starter Panning Kit, Big Orange Magnet, Garrett Pro Pointer, Clay Gone, and more. The company website features a deal of the week for providing consumers with frequent discounts on their highly sought after products.
As of right now, Lynch Mining is the only company in the world offering a paydirt vending machine.
Lynch Mining is the first-ever company to develop the paydirt vending machine concept and produce it on a large scale for interested businesses. Anticipating competition at upcoming trade shows and years to follow after this debut of their machine, Lynch Mining is proud to be the first inventor and innovative producer behind the industry-changing product.
For more information, or to sign up for a paydirt vending machine through leasing or ownership, visit:
About Lynch Mining
Lynch Mining was founded in 2015 by Rhett Lynch. The company is presently located in Phoenix, Arizona and continues to grow in size every subsequent year. Today, the company is regarded as one of the most reputable and fastest growing paydirt brands in the world. Lynch Mining holds a total of 260 acres of gold bearing land located in both Arizona and California.