Assay Services
Copper State Analytical Lab, operating since 1981
Please review the analytical assay services below.
Please call for pricing and quotation.
Basic Sevices
Au, PGM’s by Fire assay
PGM’s Pressure Digestion Vessel (PDV)
Ag, Base Metals by 3 Acid
DissolutionPrescious Metal ICP Scan
35 Element ICP Scan
ICP Spectrometer
Aqua Regia dissolution
Acid Digestion Vessel dissolution
ICP Gold and Silver
ICP PGM’s ( Pt, Pd, Ir, Rh)
ICP Individual PGM’s each
Magnetics and non magnetics seperation
Single metal (other than Au, Ag, PGM’s)
Sample Preparation
Crush, split, dry and pulverize up to 1 lbs
Samples >1 lbs add per pound
Soil and stream sediments screening
Soil and stream sediments drying
Drying rocks up to 1 lbs
Drying rock up to 1 lbs fluidly
Splitting and pulverizing
Concentrate or high grade dry/pulverize
Composite by weight
Screen analysis per hour
Special sample preparation (extra cost)
Classical Whole Rock
SiO2, Al2O3, Fe2O3, MgO, CaO, Na2O, K2O,
TiO2, P2O5, MnO, LOI & moisture
ICP 35 Elements
Al, Sb, As, Ba, Be, Bi, Cd, Ca, Cr, Co, Cu,
Fe, Ga, Ge, K, Pb, Li, Mg, Mn, Mo, Ni, Nb,
Na, Se, S, Sr, Ta, Te, Tl, Sn, Ti, W, U, V, Zn
Umpire Assay Type
Gold and Silver
Call for quote
Water Exploration Methods
As, Sb, Be, B, Cd, Ca, Cr, Co, Cu, Fe, P
b, Li, Mg, Mn, Mo, Ni, K, Se,
Na, V, Zn. With detection limit of 0.1 mg/L
Sample should be preserved in plastic container with 5% HNO3
Additional Analytical Services
Custodial Assays– A CSAL representative will come out to your property, sample, and note GPS coordinates. Analysis of the samples are an additional charge. Plus drive time and travel. Call for quotation.
Legal Representation– If there is a need for legal representation, we will defend our data and reports in court. Call for quotation.
Screen Analysis
Analysis for soils, sludges and water samples
Pulps & Rejects
All leftover sample(s), rejects, and pulps will be stored at our facility for 45 days. After the 45-day period, they will be discarded. This is also mentioned at the bottom of the chain of custody. Please do not call and request an assay on a pulp past the deadline, it will no longer be here. This statement is for all to review and will take into effect immediately. If you would like a sample returned, please call for quotations on charges.
Shipping/Payment Information
Send samples to:
1050 Spire Dr Unit I
Prescott, AZ 86305
Samples should be individually labeled, sealed and protected for shipping.
We require 227 grams (1/2 lb) to 454 grams (1 lb) of ore material for analysis and at least 30 grams for concentrates. Any sample greater than 2068 gram (5 lbs), additional fees may apply per sample.
Please download and fill out our Sample Submittal Form and include with sample/s (If we do not receive a submittal form with the sample, reports cannot be generated.) Fill out form carefully and clearly.
Sample(s) are returned at a cost.
Payments are due with submitted sample before any procedures are started. Reports will not be issued without payment in full.
Credit cards are accepted. Visa ,Master Card , and American Express.
Any delinquent invoices may be sent to collections or work with unpaid invoices will be rejected until all amounts are paid off. A report will not be sent out unless the payment is made in full.
Standard Turn Around Time is 7 to 10 Business Days, On samples submittal less than 100 samples.
Rush Fees
- Next Day (100%) (May not apply to certain services)
- 2-3 Business Days (50%)
- 4-6 Business Days (20%)
- Depending on amount and condition of samples or any unforeseen circumstances.
*Times begin to toll when the payment is received in full.
Please call for approval if samples are in need of a RUSH turn around time.
Other Information
- Prices are subject to change without notice.
- Prices are subject to change when testing complex ores.
All reports are held in strict confidence. We will only release test results to a third party when authorized in writing by the original client.
Reports and results are solely based upon the sample/s submitted by the client. Reports are for the exclusive use of the client to whom it is addressed and upon the condition that the client assumes all liability for the further distribution of any report or its contents.
Procedures are confidential to CSAL Inc only, and are not distributed to potential/current clients.